<SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt">Hi folks,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p></SPAN></P>
<SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt">I could possibly get a H395with somedefectsfor little money (So I hope). Is it worth the effort? I have been chasing the popular spinets for a while on eBay. But they all went well beyond what I am prepared to pay. Except for the T524 I did not bother to bid for and CROSSY snapped it up for a pittance. Fair is fair – he did ask me if I would bid for it. <o:p></o:p></SPAN></P>
<SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt">From what I gather the H-Series is one of the least desirable of the tone wheel <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Hammonds</st1:place></st1:City>. Not exactly the bluesy, raunchy B3 sound - more a church/theatre organ thing. It is also considered unreliable and a techos nightmare.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P>
<SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt">What makes these tone wheel <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Hammonds</st1:place></st1:City> sound differently?. Surely, at the source of the tone wheel generator the signal should be identical. Is it the modulation and amplification thereafter?<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P>
<SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt">I have hooked most of my consoles and spinets to 11 pin 2 channel Leslies (705 & 720) using home made 7850 kits and Lesliecontrol centre clones or the factory fitted outlets. What Leslie outlets does the H395 have, if any. I have a9 to11 pin adaptor that came with the Leslie 720. Does it have a built in Leslie? And if - Baffle or Rotor?<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P>
<SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt">Sorry guys, I’m not really into the tone wheel <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Hammond</st1:place></st1:City> scene. Any info is greatly appreciated.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P>
<SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt">Cheers,<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P>
<SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt">Skippy<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P>