I'm new to this forum and never posted on anything before. That said I need some advice, can I hook my 45 leslie with a 47 amp to my C3. Can some one tell me how. Thank you.
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how to hook a c3 to a model 45 leslie with 47 amp [help]
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Re: how to hook a c3 to a model 45 leslie with 47 amp [help]
What resources are you starting with?</P>
Do you have any interface between the organ and leslie, or any speed switches?6 pin cable and socket?Need a bit more info.</P>
As far as147 style amps go,thebare minimum they need from the organ is the audio signal.Takeone of the G-G terminals on the pre-amp for your HOT signal (pin 6) and the GND terminal for pin 1.</P>
Of course you'll need to provide power (if it comes from the organ then you have the added benefit ofcontrolling the leslie on/off from the organs main run switch). AC is also usedto switch speeds.</P>