Hey everyone. I am learning to play on a Hammond L-143 that I love.</P>
However, I have no leslie so the sounds isn't really complete. However, since I am just learning, it isn't really feasible ( or possible ) for me to go out and spend 800 on one either.</P>
However, I may have a half way solution that will be good enough for a beginner. I found an old Gulbertson ( spelling? ) organ on craigslist that the aldy gave to me to get out of her house ( needed room to put up a Chrstmas tree ). The organ itself ( the organ part ) sounds like CRAP, but I don't really care. I got it for the built in leslie speaker, tube power amp, etc.</P>
My plan is to take the tube amp, leslie, etc out of the Gulbertson and build a leslie cab for my L143 with it.</P>
I know it is a full range speaker in this leslie ( no horns ) so it isn't the same as some of the real nice ones.</P>
That being said, have any of you done something similar? Any tips before I start? I know this process will be full of problems that will pop up and I progress, just wanted a heads up.</P>