I've had this Hammond a little over a year, now it's time I get this last detail sorted. My drawbars are very good Except the very ends, I guess -around the 7-8 area, pretty much all of them have a cruddy spot where they work, but there's a little 'static' when I adjust there. I picked it up at a Hammond shop where it had (what I guess was) a very basic clean & check prior to the sale for the P.O..
I need to get that cleaned up and am looking for some advice. I'm partly inclined to cover everything else and give it a good Deoxit bath, but I wanted to check with the experts here if there might be a better way ?
Any help is appreciated.
I need to get that cleaned up and am looking for some advice. I'm partly inclined to cover everything else and give it a good Deoxit bath, but I wanted to check with the experts here if there might be a better way ?
Any help is appreciated.