Here is my 147 hookup The small red , brown-grnd and black go down to the 147 plug and electrical box near the floor ( I don't know if the small black or red goes to the out plug for the cabinet out put and one to the 147 My guess is this is a typical ground and one half G situation. But even if it is. there is not sufficient volume.
Both the large reds go up to the percussion box.
If I knew what range the out put should be at the G to Ground terminals I could test that out and know the pre amp was reasonable or not- I might then go and review the 147 amp or focus on the pre amp.
Both the large reds go up to the percussion box.
If I knew what range the out put should be at the G to Ground terminals I could test that out and know the pre amp was reasonable or not- I might then go and review the 147 amp or focus on the pre amp.