Hi Newbie but oldie here in the U.K. would like to ask for some help to fix a couple of problems on a newly purchased Hammond M102 organ Serial No. 48785, I tried to post earlier but the web site just wouldn’t accept my post, it’s probably me not your web site. Regards Derek.
Welcome to the Forum. Do remember that as a new member, your first few posts will be moderated and will therefore not appear immediately. After a few posts, you'll come off moderation and you'll see them right away. Tyhat might have been the issue you had. Andy G - Moderator
Welcome to the Forum. Do remember that as a new member, your first few posts will be moderated and will therefore not appear immediately. After a few posts, you'll come off moderation and you'll see them right away. Tyhat might have been the issue you had. Andy G - Moderator