How do you like to set your drawbars on a console with bass all the way down? Just interested in other peoples preferences!
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LH Bass on Hammond BC
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LH Bass on Hammond BC
Hammond A100, M102, XB3, XB5, X5, TTR-100
Lowrey Heritage DSO-1, H25-3, Yamaha E70
Farfisa Compact Duo Mk2, Vox Continental 300, Korg BX3 Mk1, Leslie 122, 145, 910, 415 None
This is what Tony Monaco taught me; it allows for some nice comping with the right hand. He keeps C3 flipped on for the bass.
I've got a 21H paired with a 147 but the 147 outshines the bass on the other Leslie. 6550 matched tubes.
I tap the B pedal staccato to add punch. That particular note seems ideal to pair with the drummer's bass drum.
Quite fat and rounded.
But I'm not a pro, and others will likely have discovered great bass tones...1955 B3, Leslie 21H and 147. Hammond A100 with weird Leslie 205. 1976 Rhodes. Wurlitzer 200A. Yamaha DX7/TX7. Korg M1. Yamaha C3 grand, 67 Tele blond neck, Les Paul Standard, PRS 24, Gibson classical electric, Breedlove acoustic electric, Strat, P Bass, Rogers drum kit, Roland TD 12 digital drums, Apollo quad, older blackfaced Fender Twin, other amps, mics and bits and pieces cluttering up the "studio."
BC and B3 have different shaped wheels on the lowest octaves.More of a sine wave on the BC.
Sounds different than a -3/A100 etc.
Also,because of the lack of foldback down there 858 or 868 is normal to help bring out the sub fund.
BC pedal drawbars mirror this set at 85 or 86. 848 is a little shallow for a BC left hand bass IMO.YMMV.
Maybe enor can chime in?
I agree with Tonewheel in that; the speaker used also is an important factor.
My freshly reconed P15LL convinced me.
Some bass still gets through the treble speaker/horn.
Important to have a good driver there,V21 or otherwise.
Personally,don't like clikky bass.It's my main beef against aftermarket(non V21) drivers.A100/251 A100/147 A102/222 B2/142 BV/147 BCV/145 M3/145 M102/145 M111/770 L101/760 T222/HL722 M111/770 no B3/C3!
This is a subject I've delved into fairly well, as my gig organ is a modified BC which I use for - among other stuff - jazz organ w/ left hand bass.
To my ears, there isn't a setting that makes it sound as good as left hand bass does on later organs with foldback in the first octave. Yes, the bass is deeper which should be a plus theoretically, but fact of the matter is that "jazz organ ears" are very used to hearing the bass sound a certain way, and with the low octave it becomes... well, "wrong", for lack of a better word. Not only is it too deep, but also a bit too weak.
So, on my gig organ I've rewired the manuals to introduce foldback in the first octave. This doesn't require any modifications _inside_ the manuals, I've done it at the end of the manual harness where it connects to the tone generator. So, frequencies 1 thru 12 are wired to terminals 13 and up instead, with an extra resistance between harness and generator to imitate the volume drop in the folded back octave. The value of this resistance escapes from memory right now, I've tried a couple of different ones to get it right... but I _think_ I ended up in the region of 20-some-ohms.
In my organ, I've made a little circuit board containing these resistors and two sets of connectors. The manual harness terminates in a connector as well, and by moving this harness connector to one place or the other on the circuit board I can select how I want the first octave to behave - stock or folded-back. But, since doing the modification I haven't ever put it back to the stock position.
Also, like it's said above, the sine shaped tonewheels in the first octave also affect how the pedal drawbars sound on the BC. In order to approximate the sound of "80" on the B-3 style bass drawbars, I use something like "85" or "86" on the BC.Current organs: AV, M-3, A-100
Current Leslies: 22H, 122, 770
Originally posted by enor View PostThis is a subject I've delved into fairly well, as my gig organ is a modified BC which I use for - among other stuff - jazz organ w/ left hand bass.
To my ears, there isn't a setting that makes it sound as good as left hand bass does on later organs with foldback in the first octave. Yes, the bass is deeper which should be a plus theoretically, but fact of the matter is that "jazz organ ears" are very used to hearing the bass sound a certain way, and with the low octave it becomes... well, "wrong", for lack of a better word. Not only is it too deep, but also a bit too weak.
So, on my gig organ I've rewired the manuals to introduce foldback in the first octave. This doesn't require any modifications _inside_ the manuals, I've done it at the end of the manual harness where it connects to the tone generator. So, frequencies 1 thru 12 are wired to terminals 13 and up instead, with an extra resistance between harness and generator to imitate the volume drop in the folded back octave. The value of this resistance escapes from memory right now, I've tried a couple of different ones to get it right... but I _think_ I ended up in the region of 20-some-ohms.
In my organ, I've made a little circuit board containing these resistors and two sets of connectors. The manual harness terminates in a connector as well, and by moving this harness connector to one place or the other on the circuit board I can select how I want the first octave to behave - stock or folded-back. But, since doing the modification I haven't ever put it back to the stock position.
Also, like it's said above, the sine shaped tonewheels in the first octave also affect how the pedal drawbars sound on the BC. In order to approximate the sound of "80" on the B-3 style bass drawbars, I use something like "85" or "86" on the BC.Hammond A100, M102, XB3, XB5, X5, TTR-100
Lowrey Heritage DSO-1, H25-3, Yamaha E70
Farfisa Compact Duo Mk2, Vox Continental 300, Korg BX3 Mk1, Leslie 122, 145, 910, 415
Originally posted by enor View Post
Also, like it's said above, the sine shaped tonewheels in the first octave also affect how the pedal drawbars sound on the BC. In order to approximate the sound of "80" on the B-3 style bass drawbars, I use something like "85" or "86" on the BC.
Living in Sweden longing for a B and playing jazz? One must modify earlier types like enor has to get satisfactory results.It's different over here.
Eventually I'll 'thin the herd'.In the 'now' there is a nice variety available.
For pop and 'oldies' I much prefer the BC or later R/H type sine wheel bass to a -3/A100. If the tune is jazz,blazz etc. this A100/251 is hard to top.
My favorite rock organs are the M3 and M102,the L101 right in there as well if I'm doing a lot of tremelo like the 'full organ' preset.....
Has anyone else noticed how the unfolded back upper drawbars on L100's shimmer more than M's? I have.What saves the M100? The chorale vibrato settings!
Not a fan of walking bass on spinets however the legato is beautiful!Again,a different waveform from a BC or B3.
Adding resistance to the bass filter can shape it different I am told?A100/251 A100/147 A102/222 B2/142 BV/147 BCV/145 M3/145 M102/145 M111/770 L101/760 T222/HL722 M111/770 no B3/C3!
I don't have a set of pedals yet, but I set my lower manual to 886xxxxxx with slight adjustments to the upper range. I then set my upper manual with significantly less bass so it doesn't over power the lower manual.
PS - I'm a drummer/guitarist bitten by the bug.BCV, C2, M3, C3
HR40, 142, 760, 771
Once upon a time I was a musician, now I just collect Hammonds!:->
Originally posted by Sweet Pete View PostLiving in Sweden longing for a B and playing jazz? One must modify earlier types like enor has to get satisfactory results.It's different over here.Current organs: AV, M-3, A-100
Current Leslies: 22H, 122, 770