I'm new to the world of organs. I have MIDI wave table and FM synth equipment like my Korg M50/88, Yamaha DX-21, etc, but no actual organs.
Earlier this week I was offered a Hammond Aurora Classic that apparently doesn't work. All I have to do is pick it up (hopefully this will happen on Saturday afternoon if the weather holds). I have no idea what the owner means by "doesn't work", but I figured that other than a bit of time and effort to go and get it (it's located about 70km away), I really have nothing to lose.
I have a 28 year employment history in the ground side of aviation electronics (installing and teaching stuff like enroute navigation and landing systems, communications, RADARs), and a few more years freelancing my technical skils, so digging my way around a piece of transistorised hardware doesn't phase me.
I'm guessing first place to start is fuses and then power supply, and after that I guess it's time to look at the electrolytic capicators. I suspect the real challenge will be finding circuits/service manuals.
Earlier this week I was offered a Hammond Aurora Classic that apparently doesn't work. All I have to do is pick it up (hopefully this will happen on Saturday afternoon if the weather holds). I have no idea what the owner means by "doesn't work", but I figured that other than a bit of time and effort to go and get it (it's located about 70km away), I really have nothing to lose.
I have a 28 year employment history in the ground side of aviation electronics (installing and teaching stuff like enroute navigation and landing systems, communications, RADARs), and a few more years freelancing my technical skils, so digging my way around a piece of transistorised hardware doesn't phase me.
I'm guessing first place to start is fuses and then power supply, and after that I guess it's time to look at the electrolytic capicators. I suspect the real challenge will be finding circuits/service manuals.