I should've lurked a little more around here before I decided to install an OBL-2 on my M3 to my Leslie 3300. The output is really hot even when I barely move the pot. Certain frequencies will get really loud. Do I need to get an 11pin kit?
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Hammond M3 to Leslie 3300 via OBL-2
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Contact TrekII,Michael will tell you how to achieve a mid point on that dial.
Mine did the same and I can't remember what I changed in there.Has normal travel now.
I run my OBL-2 as intended,to achieve line level signal input to a Neo Ventilator.
M3 speaker level signal is what any 6 pin,9 pin,or 11 pin Leslie 3300 is built to see.
An 11 pin 'ebay fishsticks' kit connected to an M3 tube amp to drive that 3300? Capable of sounding awesome IMO.
I build my interfaces,retail is absurd.
That 1/4" line level input on newer solid state Leslie is never going to sound like a traditional speaker level signal 'kit' tone wise.
A100/251 A100/147 A102/222 B2/142 BV/147 BCV/145 M3/145 M102/145 M111/770 L101/760 T222/HL722 M111/770 no B3/C3!