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A105 Bass pedal midi

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  • A105 Bass pedal midi

    Pondered on this awhile to try and decide which department to put this under.......
    Has anyone midi'd their pedals on a TWG organ?? I want to add a different sounding bass than the ole Tuba bass sound of the 16' drawbar and was thinking of just adding reed switches to the pedals to midize them using a outboard sound engine for my pedal bass tone.

  • #2
    Have you considered the Trek II String bass unit? It installs in your 105 and has the sound of a string bass, has sustain and pluck control. Works great. Check it out.


    • #3
      Thanks Boogie2Me!
      I knew of Trek II having that unit but was unaware that it generated its own bass tones ( from what I can gather reading their description)....besides the pluck and sustan. I have put in a request to them for some answers and wiring.
      Wondering if anyone else has used this String Bass unit from Trek II??:-\


      • #4
        Contacted Trek II and they responded quickly. It is its own tone (bass) generator besides it also having sustain and pluck....going to try it out.


        • Admin
          Admin commented
          Editing a comment
          Since TWG Hammonds use audio keying and harmonic synthesis, the only way to get sustain is to have latching contacts. Hammond used solenoids in the H-100, X-77, and other models for this purpose. As a practical matter, the only way to have sustain on models without this hardware is by using a separate tone generator and set of contacts.

          What is Trek using for pedal contacts? Are they adding another set, or hijacking the contacts of one the pedal harmonics?
          Last edited by Admin; 08-10-2019, 12:17 PM.

      • #5
        Trek II uses the Hammond pedal switch keying. This is done by lifting 25 pedal wires at the back of the TG and wiring them to input wires to the Trek II. They have a chart for doing this. It is part of the installation instructions.

        When I installed a Trek II in my B3, I kept the Hammond 16 ft. and 8 ft. pedal tones in addition to the Trek II 16 ft. and 8 ft. string bass tones. My installation can be found at this link:

        John M.
        1956 Hammond B3
        1963 Leslie 122
        Two Pr40’s
        One JR-20 (for fluid reverb signal)
        Hamptone LEQ3B
        Trek II Reverb
        Trek II String Bass


        • #6
          I used the solution.... Hall switches that install on the standard Hammond 25 note pedalboard. A sample of it working (not showing installation) is at

          Costs about $250 and took me about 2 hours to install. Still leaves your original pedal tone as it uses its own switches. Perhaps not the most elegant (left wires showing), but used for recording so appearance wasn't my main concern. You could go further with the install if you wanted, but this works for me. Record a MIDI track with the organ, and can play with bass sound via MIDI plug-ins at mix.


          • #7
            Hi robb3 ! Thanks for that video and explanation....this is exactly what I want to do! Thanks again!!

