Hi all,</P>
I'm fairly new to Hammonds and organs, in general for that matter. I've searched multiple forums and email lists for a similar issue but have found nothing.</P>
I have a CV hooked up to a 122. I got the 122 at the beginning of March and was extremely happy with the pair fora little over amonth. Then, it started.</P>
While I'm playing, this distorted screechingand crackling sound comes out of the leslie. It's not constant, but it happens a few times every time I play and lasts 5-10 seconds.I can hear the organ still underneath this awful sound. It sounds like a mechanical screech coming from a poorly oiled motor, but the odd thing (or what I find odd) is that the sound is coming through the speakers.</P>
I am completely baffled and have no idea where to even start looking for the problem. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.</P>