Well... I hope this post works.... this forum hasn't been working worth a damn for over a week now.... but yall' are like family so I'm going to share my final edit of my insane L-103 video.... it's consumed my life for two weeks and I'm finally done..... feel free to post comments :)))))</P>
<SPAN>Enter the Hammond L-103 spinet organ and my first encounter with it's electromechanical..... issues. Special thanks to Oliver Chesler *also known as "The Horrorist and DJ Skinhead* for his perfect marriage of noise and grind with my novice video editing skills in "Strenth of Terror" and "Extreme Terror *111 Remix* as DJ Skinhead, and for "One Night In New York City" as The Horrorist. Mr. Chesler's high profile sound and tastefully vintage analog synthesizers do for me what Nascar does for rest of the rednecks in my part of the country. Another big special thanks to Peter Hopkins and Johnnie Shaffer... two major influences in my life without whose contributions this project would have never made it off the ground... And to God...... Enjoy ;)</SPAN></P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<SPAN> *WARNING!* Music contains explicit language that is not suitable for young children or squemish adults.</SPAN></P>
<SPAN>Click HERE!--------------->Hammond L-103<---------------No! Over HERE! [^o)]</SPAN></P>