Hi,I have a couple of questions:</p>
1. I have a Hammond M102 and Leslie 145. The connection kit originally came off a T series Hammond, but seems to work ok. However, over time the preamp in the M102 has developed quite a loud mains hum that has been minimized by added capacitors across the high voltage terminals in the preamp. My question is...have I damaged my AO-29 preamp by using the wrong kit or maybe by not selecting the right ohm setting on the Leslie amp. What ohm setting should I use?...Open, 8ohm or 16ohm?</p>
2. With the setup as described in question 1, I have a poor bass sound through the 15" speaker...as the notes approach bottom F the bass drops away noticeably. It is much less noticeable through the internal speakers, but very obvious when going through the Leslie. Again, is this down to the wrong kit or ohm setting...open, 8 or 16 seems to make no difference other than overall volume.</p>