Have a listen to that clip (small 400k mp3 file). I have unplugged the woofer to enhance the clarity of the problem.
On some drawbar configurations we get this ugly scratchy noise from the driver. First I play a chord, adding one note at a time on the bass end of the swell manual. The very first note is not affected, but the noise starts as soon as the 2nd note is deppresed.</p>
Then I play another chord on the great manual to show that the bad sound does not occur.</p>
I'm guessing the driver cone is wearing thin, or on its way to driver heaven...something like that. But I dont understand why I can still play clean on some drawbar settings and not get that sound. Only certain combinations of frequencies cause the problem.
More problems include:</p>
- bass pedals are REALLY quiet</p>
- the pre-amp adjustment control in the swell box does not change the sound of the organ's output. I can turn it endlessly in either direction. </p>
(geoelectro - this is the same organ on which you helped me fix the percussion)</p>