The low F key on the upper manual of my A-100 was mysteriously depressed one night as I turned on the organ. I could lift the key to turn it off, but if I pressed it, it stayed down. I spent a couple of hours trying to reach the key combs, but chickened out when wires attached to the musicstand wood had too little play to allow the top wood to rotate up as described in the instructions I was following.</p>
I called the only Hammond technician in town. The bad news is that his health is so bad, he is taking on no jobs. The good news is that he diagnosed the problem as a loose felt and got the key working. He instructed me to manipulate the key up and down while applying some pressure to the front of the key (towards the back of the organ). This I did, and the key is now working fairly well. I can still hear its inards rubbing against the deduced piece of felt, but it is no longer stuck. Maybe some day I'll be rich enough to have my felts replaced, but as the next nearest Hammond tech is about 100 miles from here and I have no truck, it'll likely be awhile! Anyway, many of you are probably already aware of this solution for a key being impeded by a piece of felt, but maybe it will be of use to someone.