I know this area is not for organs for sale, but am posting this one here as it has been modified in a really interesting way..the split swell pedals are a really neat and I would think very useful modification that as far as I know was only available on 1930's Model E's?
from the auction:
When I acquired it, I ‘finished’ what Laurens Hammond always wanted to do. Make it a STEREO B3 ! This beauty has a split matching transformer, two swell pedals – one for the lower manual the other for the upper manual. Each manual drives TWO Leslies. A ‘Tall Boy’ 31H and 147 on EACH manual with separate tremolo. One of the horrible things that happens when you put a Leslie on a Hammond is you ‘loose’ the split vibrato. You can not have vibrato on one manual and at the same time no vibrato on the other but the Leslie defeated that. It was either On or Off. This one of a kind STEREO B3 DOES allow you to have split LESLIE – and so much more. With the Doppler tremolo system of the Leslie, the STEREO effect is mind blowing. Absolutely gorgeous sound when two channels are playing together. Upper and Lower – both separate and with separate tremolo controls and volume pedals. Truly amazing sound.
This RARE Cherrywood finish Stereo B3 is fully loaded. It has the most sought after vintage Organ Mate tube reverb built it. Not one, but TWO of them. One on the lower. One on the upper with separate level controls for each that come through the Leslie horns – as it SHOULD! Along with that is has the VERY rare and ‘must have’ Kruger String Bass model 710 serial number 60442. (black box to the extreme right in the rear picture)
One very, very rare and important part is a FACTORY switcher from Don Leslie that he built for showrooms that allowed FOUR Leslies to be driven and switched from one console. I was in the retail Hammond B3 business for years and had this switcher from my store. Having sold thousands of B3 in the lifetime of our store and being one of the very first to package B3 consoles for touring groups, I have a lot of experience with Hammonds and Leslies and of course designed, built and keep this rare, one of a kind Stereo Hammond B3 in perfect working order in my personal studio here in Southern Illinois.