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I want to hack the preset section out of a console.

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  • I want to hack the preset section out of a console.

    I have an opportunity to pick up another console for cheap. But this one has been all "mouse et" (wires have been nibbled on by mice). The preset wires that attach to the preset matrix are all chewed and p'd on by the little varmints. The gen and all other surrounding wiring look surprisingly good. But the preset wires are a lost cause. The amps are a mess as well, but the preamp appears to be tip-top. That's not an issue, I want to use this one for a line out organ if I get it.</P>

    So ... can the preset section be removed from an A100so that you only have (some method) of chosing between the 2 drawbar sets on each manual? Would I need to retain the preset keys? Or maybe just the B and Bb (and perhaps the C/cancel). I'd like to just remove all of the upper and lower preset stuff and only have the 2 sets of drawbars per manual to deal with on this one. Possible?</P>

    Fd ...</P>

  • #2
    Re: I want to hack the preset section out of a console.

    What model are you working with? I would just replace the wiring one wire at a time.


    • #3
      Re: I want to hack the preset section out of a console.

      It's another A100 (I have an A102 *Bendy Leg*). Replacing the wires would have to be done en masse. The entire preset loom has been nested in, and there is urine and feces that have sortof corroded the insulation and kinda melted a lot of the wires into a wad.</P>

      I wanted to kindof use this one as a base for a hot rodded A. A test bed for all sorts of inspired ideas. So losing the presets isn't a bad thing at all. That is, if it can be done.</P>

      Well? [:)]</P>
      <P mce_keep="true"></P>


      • #4
        Re: I want to hack the preset section out of a console.

        Well then, I would label the pins or wire by schematics. I have them if you need.

