I guess this is something Andy G might have a good answer for, and others also!</P>
I found after playing some baroque style music that the perc setting at the right level can sound very pipe organy (and with the appropriate drawbar out to enhance the percussion's tone. eg, for 3rd harmonic: 860070000, or for 2nd harmonic 860700000) but of course it's the reverb which takes the dry drawbar tones to the final similarity to pipes.</P>
I had tried settingthe percussionloud like the Jimmy Smith sound... but, "that hammond sound" aside, the perc WAS set up to produce pipe organ sounds wasn't it? So this would be the right level to set the perc to?</P>
With key click andpercussion bothenhanced withreverb, they actually seem to make the sound of the pipes engaging, the slight pop or spit of the valve opening!</P>
Extremely Good stuff!</P>
For all of my Rock background, I've had to dig out some of my past set pieces for some upcoming funeral parlour work. It's been refreshing and fun getting my head around them again and seeing how the Hammond respondswith such versatility!</P>
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