As some here are aware, I collect various organs because I like to play 'at' being an organist and because I enjoy the differences the brands bring to the sound and how to get there.</p>
Right now I'm looking at a possible sweet deal on a pair of Yamaha's. Neither model rings a bell and the Yamaha manual site doesn't have the owner's manuals for either one.</p>
Here are the models : FS200 and HS17</p>
I was able to get a very little bit of info on the FS200 but absolutely nothing on the HS17, not even at a couple of Yamaha history sites. Anyone have info on either or both and an idea of what a decent price would be for them?</p>
Also got a guy wanting to peddle his perfect (uh, huh, where have I heard that before?), FX20. But I have no feel for what it might be worth. I've seen Craigslist offers from $500 up to $2500 and everything in between, mostly not selling at any price. A little help here would be appreciated as I am very interested in this one. I played an FX20 back when they were new and was impressed with it and overwhelmed with the sheer volume of buttons and such.</p>