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Some more Yamaha model questions

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  • Some more Yamaha model questions

    As some here are aware, I collect various organs because I like to play 'at' being an organist and because I enjoy the differences the brands bring to the sound and how to get there.</p>

    Right now I'm looking at a possible sweet deal on a pair of Yamaha's.  Neither model rings a bell and the Yamaha manual site doesn't have the owner's manuals for either one.</p>

    Here are the models :  FS200 and HS17</p>

    I was able to get a very little bit of info on the FS200 but absolutely nothing on the HS17, not even at a couple of Yamaha history sites.  Anyone have info on either or both and an idea of what a decent price would be for them?</p>

    Also got a guy wanting to peddle his perfect (uh, huh, where have I heard that before?), FX20.  But I have no feel for what it might be worth.  I've seen Craigslist offers from $500 up to $2500 and everything in between, mostly not selling at any price.  A little help here would be appreciated as I am very interested in this one.  I played an FX20 back when they were new and was impressed with it and overwhelmed with the sheer volume of buttons and such.</p>


    Lowrey SU-630 Palladium, Lowrey GX-1, Hammond Aurora

  • #2
    Re: Some more Yamaha model questions

    FS200 looks pretty much like an FS20 to me. As for HS17, maybe a typo from the seller? How about a pic to help? Neither worth that much Lloyd. FX20's can sound nice, but watch for problems with the servo sliders.</P>
    <P mce_keep="true"></P>
    It's not what you play. It's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.

    New website now live - www.andrew-gilbert.com

    Current instruments: Roland Atelier AT900 Platinum Edition, Yamaha Genos, Yamaha PSR-S970, Kawai K1m
    Retired Organs: Lots! Kawai SR6 x 2, Hammond L122, T402, T500 x 2, X5. Conn Martinique and 652. Gulbransen 2102 Pacemaker. Kimball Temptation.
    Retired Leslies, 147, 145 x 2, 760 x 2, 710, 415 x 2.
    Retired synths: Korg 700, Roland SH1000, Jen Superstringer, Kawai S100F, Kawai S100P, Kawai K1


    • #3
      Re: Some more Yamaha model questions

      On the HS17, I emailed back when I couldn't find any references to it anywhere and he swears that is correct.  I guess that makes it worth a lot less huh? &lt;G></p>

      Feel free to correct me, but I thought that the servo sliders would work electronically even if they didn't actually looked like they did.  The seller swears his all work, but he is just far enough from me that I would most likely only want to make one trip to get it with a rented truck.  This buying sight unseen is a bit risky, though I've been lucky so far.</p>

      As for pics, well his pics of the FS200 and HS17(?) are very small and when I tried to blow them up became unviewable.  He wasn't forthcoming with better pics.  I think I'll take a pass.</p>

      I'm trying to make my next organ my last organ, if you know what I mean.  So I want one with tons of voicings and all kinds of automatics, and of course, CHEAP! &lt;G></p>


      Lowrey SU-630 Palladium, Lowrey GX-1, Hammond Aurora


      • #4
        Re: Some more Yamaha model questions


        Absolutely no, not ever, anywhere, HS17. HS7 was 2nd top model in the HS range circa 1988. FS200 was the bottom model of a series of FM digital spinets assembled in the US for the US market only circa 1983 - the same vintage as FX20. Can't give you any more info than thatas we here in Oz did not run with the HS7, and I of course have never clapped eyes on an FS200.</P>

        As for FX20 sliders, yes they could be prone to problems, one of the most common being dust build-up, and yes they do work electronically. </P>


        Hammond X77GT & Leslie 77P
        Lowrey C500 & Leslie 720/540
        Hammond T524 & Leslie 710
        Gulbransen Theatrum & Leslie 700
        Yamaha EL90T




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