Hi Organ Forum! The old Wurlitzer 4500 is eye pleasing, and has anice sound, but itis getting old QUICK! I don't like not having any foot pedals.Every now and then, it starts to make a crackling noise while I play, and some of thekeys have an unevenvolume.I am assuming that this organ is just showing signs of its age. I would like to give this organ to my grandmother, who really likes its appearance. She does not play, so this instrument will just be a piece of furniture in her house, except forholidays when I could playholiday music for our familygatherings.I plan on purchasing a Yamaha Electone, most likely from the 80's. Some models that I have found used are the ME-15A ($300), the HS-6 ($650), and the MR-700T ($400). What are your general opinions on Yamaha Electone organs? Any Pros/Cons that should be brought to my attention? Thanks! </P>
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