Hi! I'm new in this forum and I had some questions that were still not answered after lots of research. I want to know what is better pricewise and soundwise. Transistor or digital? I want to upgrade the Baldwin 5a model organ we have to an Allen transistor or digital organ. I read on the Allen website <https://www.allenorgan.com/www/compa...eum/trans2> that one critic said: <font class="storetext2font">"The great Aeolian-Skinner (pipe) organ was a sound proper for so festive a moment.", when really the "Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ was the Allen TC-4 transistor organ at Lincoln Center in New York City. Is that how realistic a transistor organ sounds? At our church we have an </font><font class="storetext2font">Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ that sounds fantastic. Does anybody agree with the quote I posted? Or would a digital organ be better? Thank you so much!