I bought an old bottom-of-the-line Silvertone organ from the Salvation Army a few years ago. What I enjoyed playing were the accordian-sounding keys on the lefthand side of the organ. </P>

Recently I got interested inguitar and delay pedals, so I wanted to try to take out the "accordian" keysout of the organand wire them up so I could plug them into my delay pedal and amp. But when I took everything apart, I realized that the "accordian" keys weren't wired to anything at all, but had what looks like a pick-up above it. </P>

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I also noticed that aside form the pick-ups and motor, there is some kind of metal plate under the standard organ keys themselves. What does this do? Pic below.</P>
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Basically, what I am trying to do is get rid of anything that isn't needed to play the accordian box so I can make my new creation as small as possible. Any suggestions? </P>