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Sizing a bench

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  • Sizing a bench

    I couldn't come up with a more appropriate forum so I guess I will just ask here.</p>

    Ok, in all of these years I have never been able to get positioned in a way where I can easily play pedals with both feet. When I set up in a comfortable position I am so far forward on the bench that my right foot on the expression pedal is all that keeps me from falling into the keyboards. To play pedals with the right foot I have to lean way back to balance myself which presents its own problems. It just hit me tonight that my weird body might be the problem. (OK I don''t catch on too fast sometimes).</p>

    Here is the deal I am fat with no legs to speak of. 300+ lbs (I know working on it but it is hard) and 5;11" tall but only a 28 or 29" inseam. Could it be that I just need a shorter bench than normal? Are there any rules of thumb on how to fit a bench to oneself? Do they make a seat with a round barstool type perch that can still span the pedal board?</p>

    Sorry to be asking such a green horn type question after so many years but one should never stop learning even if it is embarrassing to do so.</p>

    mike </p>
    If it is Caesar that you worship, then Caesar you shall serve.

  • #2
    Re: Sizing a bench

    Well, first, you might try moving the bench in a bit closer, so that you aren't seated with your tailbone just barely on the bench. I've tried that position (tailbone just barely on the bench) and its really not comfortable, not so much for weight (I admit that I am only about 135, so I weigh quite a bit less than you do), but because I feel that I'm about to fall into the manuals. And while falling into the manuals might make a nice transcription of Ligeti's Atmospheres, or might work well for some John Cage, that's not what we're after here.

    As for rules of thumb for positioning the bench, unfortunately I think its pretty much trial and error. As far as alternatives to the traditional bench go, there's the Howard Seat, but that might not work in your particular application as it might put you up too high.




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