Hello all,</p>
I recently came into possession of a kimball 300 swinger series organ that someone was going to throw out and I quickly decided to save it. Ever since I was a kid I've loved the sound of electronic organs, to me it was a beautiful thing, it all seemed to work and sound great and instantly my new hobby was started. While trying to find out all the information I could about this and other organs etc, I found that the swinger series seems definitley laughed upon by many an organ veteran, but nonetheless it has become the object through which I've been trying to teach myself to play and read music. </p>
Everyday I've been working on practicing with it and learning basics about its use. I've opened it up and looked over how most of the mechanical stuff all worked and cleaned it all down. yet I still feel handicapped about a few organ basics, you guys are really the only resource I've been able to find online, and I was hoping one or two of you could indulge in helping me to realize my full comprehension of this instrument. I can't even find a manual!(please excuse my lack of terminology and general organ ignorance but please feel free to correct me)
1- the kneebar - there is a lever that is in line with my right knee to the volume pedal that I can push left or right. if I do neither a strong bassy pitch comes from the organ. when I push it to the right with my knee everything plays normal and if it I move it slightly to center the keys change slightly in pitch. What is the function of this lever? how can I use it while playing? </p>
2- the 'cascading strings' and 'swinging bass' buttons- 3 buttons for each, neither of which seems to do anything different when I play, I'm not sure if they are just broken or what. I would've thought that it was part of 'the entertainer 3' options but still am not sure how it all fits together.</p>
3- percussion - there are different sound options for the solo manual, accompaniment, pedal, and there are solo presets. all which allow me to mix and match sounds to pick what I want for each of the manuals. yet there are a handful of percussion options which don't seem to effect anything. I don't know if they are simply a broken set of switches or if I've yet to discover what it actually is changing. </p>
4- the entertainer 3- I've figured out mostly how to use this gimmicky thing. allows for a rhythym playing, automatic chords, but If someone out there actually knows what each of the 6 buttons do it would help me out a whole lot. what the hell is 'magic memory'?</p>
If I could know those I would feel like I know this organ pretty well, they're the only bits that seem to still boggle me, there are a few repair things that I've been tinkering with but I guess I'll put them as a seperate post in the restoration section. also any basic tips at all on organing and this hobby in general would be helpful. am I wasting my time with such a silly time-sucking machine?