1st post on this outstanding forum. I am a 40 yrs experienced guitar player but always wanted a hammond tone wheel set up. I play keys just well enough for people to buy me beers to stop playing:-( . Last week, I finally pulled the trigger after finding an almost mint 1961 M3 with 25 orpheum leslie. Bought the set from 1st owners family for $100.00:-) .
The m3 already was wired to plug in the leslie and works great. Then I found a hammond pr-20 tone cab the girl wants out of her house for $20.00 and its also a 1961 (meant to be huh!!) and dead mint. So, I have been reading that a tone cab with a leslie is great. For 20 smackers, I must try it. So, question is......, how do i hook that up so my m3 plays both?
Again, love the forum and appreciate all help and advice for this organ noob.
1st post on this outstanding forum. I am a 40 yrs experienced guitar player but always wanted a hammond tone wheel set up. I play keys just well enough for people to buy me beers to stop playing:-( . Last week, I finally pulled the trigger after finding an almost mint 1961 M3 with 25 orpheum leslie. Bought the set from 1st owners family for $100.00:-) .
The m3 already was wired to plug in the leslie and works great. Then I found a hammond pr-20 tone cab the girl wants out of her house for $20.00 and its also a 1961 (meant to be huh!!) and dead mint. So, I have been reading that a tone cab with a leslie is great. For 20 smackers, I must try it. So, question is......, how do i hook that up so my m3 plays both?
Again, love the forum and appreciate all help and advice for this organ noob.