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Transporting 147 on it's side.

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  • Transporting 147 on it's side.

    After years of almost trouble free horizontal transport on this gig 147 I assumed other similar boxes would travel the same.
    In a quarter century the only incident on the box was an upper slow motor spider wire pinched/failure from the jostling in the upper motor box.
    Now there are clips from a 760 upper motor box in there to 'stay' the stacks.
    Never had a lower drum 'throw' the belt before the other day, at a session.

    Apparently this 251(mahogany match for the organ) had enough vertical play on the lower drum to allow the belt to slip off.
    Also noticed the thrusters on the spindle were not as deep over the drum wall as required.
    Now there are two washers on the bearing for the spindle,and it works great again,with little vertical play.
    Also located chatter on the lower slow speed change.
    Backed off the adjuster nut a half turn and ran 200 grit on tremelo over the o'ring.
    All quiet now....with lots of chorale 'grab'!
    Will let you all know how the next outing on it's side goes,maybe consider just moving it upright?

    The A100 started first take and hummed a little at startup like it always does after a 10 month break.
    Quieted down and went on to sound like it always does,a keeper.
    Gotta get that one out some more!

    251 all back together,'home' 147 all torn apart for a major service.Going back to a can cap from an 'under the hood' recap from appr. 1990.
    Found the socket and have a riveter, no problem,
    Won't get around to the gig 147 for awhile,it works like new. ;>)
    A100/251 A100/147 A102/222 B2/142 BV/147 BCV/145 M3/145 M102/145 M111/770 L101/760 T222/HL722 M111/770 no B3/C3!