Hello. BK 7M up and running but a question please should anyone be able to help. Is it possible to control the volume via the expression pedal of my Hammond XE200? Thanks.
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Bk 7m volume
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Check to see if your XE200 outputs midi code cc11, (Expression) if it does then make sure it is switched on, (The BK7m should have it switched on by default if electronic organ is selected, but if the XE200 cc11 is on it may worth just confirming on the BK7m) if your XE200 does not have cc11 (And it doesn’t have an input controlled by the expression pedal either) then you will have to get a separate mixer and plug everything into that. (Including the expression pedal)
NOTE: Most Hammonds have midi maps with the default being for a module, however if the instrument was not new, make sure the previous owner hasn’t selected a different mode such as piano, which doesn’t have an expression pedal)