Folks, I am new to the site and although 67 years old have never been on any message forum before. So, I ask your indulgence and patience as I learn the ropes.
I am considering buying a Conn Theatrette model #552 with pipes. I have had a # of organs (all spinets) before, but do not consider myself an organist. I play chord style piano but have not had any organ for many years. So I said "sweetheart, I think that I would like to have a theatre organ" and she agreed (if it is small enough). I once had a Lowery HR98 which I liked very much, but it was destroyed in a flood. I am a fan of the horseshoe arrangement of tounge depressors.
So, my question is: Is this organ a total waste of my time? (It is only a little over $100) If any of you could suggest alternatives while I get my feet wet, I would be most appreciative. I am somewhat electronically talented.
I am looking at this as a stepping stone.
Thanks, Royal