For a while there was a link next to "calendar" that could be clicked to mark the threads on a forum or subforum as read. Where did it go? Is it likely to be reimplemented again? Thanks
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"Mark threads/forums read" missing
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"Mark threads/forums read" missing
Home: Allen ADC-4500 Church: Allen MDS-5
Files: Allen Tone Card (TC) Database, TC Info, TC Converter, TC Mixer, ADC TC SF2, and MOS TC SF2, ADC TC Cad/Rvt, MOS TC Cad/Rvt, Organ Database, Music Library, etc. PM for unlinked files.Tags: None
I removed it primarily because it worked only on the home page. It did not work within channels or search page results from New Topics. Because there was no indication of failure, people were confused and reporting a problem. I removed the problem until I can determine the reason.
Also, there is a Mark All Channels Read button near the bottom of the Home Page, but while it's functional, it's not as visible as I'd like and it's sure to be overlooked. There is also a Mark Channel Read button local to each channel.