You must be an Organ Forum member and signed in to post a new topic or to reply to an existing one. If you do not see your username at the top of the page, you will not be presented with posting options.
If you are signed in, click the Channel under which you wish to post, General Chat in the Blower Room for example. Look for the large New Topic button toward the top of the page.
If you don't see it, you either do not have permission to post in that Channel or you're not signed in. As the Forum will sign you out after a period of inactivity, it's possible you were signed out without knowing it. Refresh the page and check to see that you're signed -in by looking for your username at the top of the page. You can avoid being signed-out automatically by clicking the Remember Me box when you sign-in See this for additional information.
How To Avoid Being Logged Out - The Organ Forum
Once you click the New Topic button you will be taken to this screen
Enter a title for your topic. It should be as descriptive of the purpose of your post as possible, e.g. How do I repair a broken key on my Hammond M-3?
Enter the content of your post where it says "Write something..."
When you've finished entering your message, click the Post button.
If you are signed in, click the Channel under which you wish to post, General Chat in the Blower Room for example. Look for the large New Topic button toward the top of the page.
If you don't see it, you either do not have permission to post in that Channel or you're not signed in. As the Forum will sign you out after a period of inactivity, it's possible you were signed out without knowing it. Refresh the page and check to see that you're signed -in by looking for your username at the top of the page. You can avoid being signed-out automatically by clicking the Remember Me box when you sign-in See this for additional information.
How To Avoid Being Logged Out - The Organ Forum
Once you click the New Topic button you will be taken to this screen
Enter a title for your topic. It should be as descriptive of the purpose of your post as possible, e.g. How do I repair a broken key on my Hammond M-3?
Enter the content of your post where it says "Write something..."
When you've finished entering your message, click the Post button.