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Multi Section Capacitors

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  • Multi Section Capacitors

    I am looking for replacement filter capacitors for a Wurlitzer spinet. There are two of them. One has three sections: 5000 uF / 1000 uF / 1000 uF @ 25 V. The other one has four sections: 1000 uF / 500 uF/ 500 uF / 500 uF @ 25 V. They have twist lock mounts with four mounting tabs (aluminum cases). The Mallory part numbers appear to be 506535 and 2407008.</p>

    I have checked my usual electronics part suppliers and also did a Web search but did not come up with anything. I am considering purchasing individual capacitors but the small amount of space under the chassis will make it difficult to install them, not to mention the problem of terminals to solder to.</p>

    Any suggestions?</p>

    (By the way, I suggested to the owner that I could find her an equivalent spinet for less than it would cost to repair this one, but she has an sentimental attachment to this particular instrument.)</p>

    Best regards,</p>

    Andy Hall</p>


  • #2
    Re: Multi Section Capacitors

    Hi Andy. See this post for info about how to get brand new custom made multi-section FP cans at very reasonable prices:</P></P>

    I was very happy with DH Distributors. I would highly recommend them. Just be very specific about the cap cans - have them in your hand when you call to order, and read off all the specs and note which sections are are marked with each symbol (semi-circle/square/triangle/blank).Since one of your cans is 3-section, be sure todescribe the type of layout at the bottom of the can. Some 3-section cans only have three positive terminals arranged in a triangle shape, others have the terminals arranged in a 4-way square shape and just keep one spot empty. Also specify whether the can is insulated or not (whether it is bare metal, or whether it has an insulator sheth (usually brown or black cardboard material).</P>

    When you get the new cans ALL of the negative terminals will be present. If your current cap has one negative terminal missing to make sure you properly insert it only one way into a "keyed" socket, pay special attention to which negative lead needs to be broken off. If your current caps do have all the negative terminals present, and the socket is not "keyed" in any way, then obviously make sure you put the multi-section cap in the right way.</P>

    Cobbling in separate caps under the chasis may be more trouble than it is worth, especially if the negative terminals from the FP cans are used as ties for multiple negative leads, and if there is limited space in the chasis - as seems to be the case. It would be much easier just to get replacement cans.</P>

    Hope this helps,</P>

    Jimmy Williams
    Hobbyist (organist/technician)
    Gulbransen Model D with Leslie 204


    • #3
      Re: Multi Section Capacitors


      Thanks for the tips. I will check out DH Distributors.</p>

      I was talking to a buddy last night who is a Ham radio operator and repairs old radios. He suggested I cut the cans open and install new capacitors in them myself. I have since found some instructions for doing this. I guess I need to weigh the cost of having it done for me versus the time I would spend.</p>

      Another consideration is the time it will take just to remove the capacitors from the chassis. With so many terminals in such a small space, the wiring is very dense. It will be a lot of work just to disconnect all the wires. It might make sense for me to rebuild the capacitors in place without removing them from the chassis. </p>

      By the way, I'm sorry I didn't find your original post when I searched through this forum before I posted my message. Thanks for taking the time to reply to my message anyway. On some of the forums I frequent, I would have gotten a nasty flame accusing me of not searching the old posts first.</p>

      Best regards,</p>

      Andy Hall</p>

