I am looking for replacement filter capacitors for a Wurlitzer spinet. There are two of them. One has three sections: 5000 uF / 1000 uF / 1000 uF @ 25 V. The other one has four sections: 1000 uF / 500 uF/ 500 uF / 500 uF @ 25 V. They have twist lock mounts with four mounting tabs (aluminum cases). The Mallory part numbers appear to be 506535 and 2407008.</p>
I have checked my usual electronics part suppliers and also did a Web search but did not come up with anything. I am considering purchasing individual capacitors but the small amount of space under the chassis will make it difficult to install them, not to mention the problem of terminals to solder to.</p>
Any suggestions?</p>
(By the way, I suggested to the owner that I could find her an equivalent spinet for less than it would cost to repair this one, but she has an sentimental attachment to this particular instrument.)</p>
Best regards,</p>
Andy Hall</p>