I recently bought a Yamaha Electone D80 organ which might already be some 30 years old. (As a child my organ teacher in Germany had a similar model, and my heart felt an irresistible urge to click the "buy" button when I saw it for $1 on eBay, and suddenly it was mine.)
The organ works, however, has quite some back-ground noise (i.e. a "tschhhhh..." sound) which increases when turning up the volume. I opened the organ, and it's astonishingly clean with a only tiny bit of dust in some places. Does anybody know where the "tschhh…" sound might come from and how I could fix it?
Apart from that the organ has three keyboards. The tune of the solo and upper keyboard however is misaligned by half a note. E.g. C sharp on the solo keyboard is C on the upper keyboard. The solo key board has a tuner which however even increases the misalignment. Does anybody know what could be the reason for this and how this can be corrected?
Many thanks and best regards from Australia,
I recently bought a Yamaha Electone D80 organ which might already be some 30 years old. (As a child my organ teacher in Germany had a similar model, and my heart felt an irresistible urge to click the "buy" button when I saw it for $1 on eBay, and suddenly it was mine.)
The organ works, however, has quite some back-ground noise (i.e. a "tschhhhh..." sound) which increases when turning up the volume. I opened the organ, and it's astonishingly clean with a only tiny bit of dust in some places. Does anybody know where the "tschhh…" sound might come from and how I could fix it?
Apart from that the organ has three keyboards. The tune of the solo and upper keyboard however is misaligned by half a note. E.g. C sharp on the solo keyboard is C on the upper keyboard. The solo key board has a tuner which however even increases the misalignment. Does anybody know what could be the reason for this and how this can be corrected?
Many thanks and best regards from Australia,