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Rodgers 525, swell pedal not working on great and pedals

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  • Rodgers 525, swell pedal not working on great and pedals

    I play on a Rodgers 525 in a small church. Recently the swell pedal stopped working on the great and pedal keyboards. I tried the instructions in the organ manual for 'Expression Pedal Assign' where you hold pistons R and 1, press piston 0, then toggle the setting for the swell pedal with piston M2. The lamp for piston 4 goes on and off, as it should, but the swell pedal still only works on the swell keyboard. Does anyone have any ideas?


  • #2
    Try doing the full factory reset procedure before you do the expression pedal assign. I don't have that manual before me, but have worked on many of these in the past. That might clear something that has gotten set wrong in the configuration.

    Also, I seem to recall that the battery going down can cause the assignment not to stick. I'm giving blind advice right now, not having the manual at home, but you might look for a battery inside and check it with a meter. It could be a simple CR2032 coin cell, or may be another type that must be soldered in, which might require a tech.
    *** Please post your questions about technical service or repair matters ON THE FORUM. Do not send your questions to me or another member by private message. Information shared is for the benefit of the entire organ community, but other folks will not be helped by information we exchange in private messages!


    • #3
      The memory is not working properly. Replace the battery and do a factory reset and try it again. I’ve worked on a lot of these and usually the battery going bad will really foul things up.


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies! This morning I tried the quick and easy fix--doing the factory reset. It didn't work. So next I'll pull the console out and look for the battery. Probably not this week, because I'm playing Christmas Eve, and don't want to take a chance making it worse!


