I have a new-to-me MDS 1 that was working fine until yesterday. It's making a very loud continuous buzzing noise. I've turned every stop tab and piston on and off and none of them altered the sound. I also left it unplugged for a while. It still plays, but the sound can barely be heard over the buzz. The volume can be altered with the swell pedal but is quite loud even when the pedal is at its quietest. I've been using Hauptwerk on it, and that still works fine. My cat went inside the organ a few days ago (through the swell pedal opening) - not sure what she might have done in there. I used it quite a bit after that and it was fine until last night. I'm not mechanically inclined, but wonder if there might be anything else I could check. Thanks for any help...
ETA - Now I think I picked the wrong topic, but I don't see a way to delete the post. If there is a way to do that, please let me know.
Post so moved. Michael, Moderator
ETA - Now I think I picked the wrong topic, but I don't see a way to delete the post. If there is a way to do that, please let me know.
Post so moved. Michael, Moderator