I just bought a Leslie 700 and would like to hook it up to my Conn 580. As many of you know the 580 is a two channel organ and the 251 Leslie is recommended, - but I can't afford one (and my wife says that it is too tall to go in our living room). So here I am with a Model 700, an admitted step down. Is it possible/advisable to just re-wire the 9 pin leslie cable such that the tibias go to the rotary, complex to the stationary and then by adding a DPDT 110vac relay in the leslie cabinet go straight to theleslie motors? It appears that the Leslie 700 wants a grounded signal to switch speeds on the motor.I would essentially bypass the electronic speed control in the leslie by simply unplugging it. This would leave a few unused wires in the leslie cable for spares. Am I missing something here. Do I really need a 7660 hookup kit? If I don't buy the 7660 kit, what is it thatI lose if I did it as above? </P>
Thanks in advance, Roy</P>