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  • H-182

    Ok folks it looks like I have a H-182. Top key board sounds perfect.</P>

    Bottom key board sounds like static. Also the tone genertaor is creating feed back.</P>

    Please tell me what to fix and how do i do it.</P>

    Also if anyone has a manual for download that would get me moving.</P>


    Thanks to all</P>


  • #2
    Re: H-182

    Congratulations on your Hammond acquisition and welcom to the forum! I also have an H-182, a 1969 model, along with a 1971 H-382. The schematics for the H-series are available from Captain Foldback here:</P> The full service manual has not been made available for download anywhere that I'm aware of, but you can purchase it here:</P>

    The H-series organs seem to have more problems withfaulty electrolytic capacitors in the pre-amps than with any other component(s). There are 10 separate pre-amps in the organ along with the main amp and separate power supply. A lot of caps. Cleaning the tube sockets with contact cleaner may help some, but I found in my organs that the capacitors in the pre-amps were the root of the static problem. The "feed back" you mentioned I suspect is actually 60 cycle hum if it is approximately a "B" in pitch. If so, this will be failing filter capacitors in the power supply and main amp. There are others on this forum with far more knowledge of electronics than I, but I think they'll agree with what I've said so far.</P>

    My best advice would be to read up on electrolytic capacitors and tube amplifiers. I had very limited knowledge of electronics before I jumped off the deep end into re-capping a Wurlitzer and then moving on to my Hammonds, but with the very patient help of others answering my questions, I've been able to bring these instruments back to life. Other great Hammond-specific groups on the internet are HammondZone, a group on Yahoo, and the HamTech mailing list. Hopefully some of this will help get you started.</P>


    • #3
      Re: H-182

      Thanks for the info.</P>

      I have already contacted a ham radio dealer and he has plenty of caps in stock...</P>


      Now the real work begins.</P>



