I am preparing to install a 5-rank Moller organ in my home. At the moment the main chest is sitting upright, not on its side, in my garage -- all 44 by 90 inches of it -- on its 30 inch high base. (I can barely lift one end of chest!) It was moved in the upright position, mounted on two dollies, via truck.
The chest needs to be lifted up off the base, and set on its side for some repair work on the chest. But the worst is yet come. The chest must then be trucked down the hill to the front of the house, and carried back up the hill, via three flights of sidewalks and winding steps. Should I install handles on the chest? (And how?) How many men should be used? What safety precautions should I take for both the men and chest?
And I thought installing my 150 year-old tracker organ was a challenge!
The chest needs to be lifted up off the base, and set on its side for some repair work on the chest. But the worst is yet come. The chest must then be trucked down the hill to the front of the house, and carried back up the hill, via three flights of sidewalks and winding steps. Should I install handles on the chest? (And how?) How many men should be used? What safety precautions should I take for both the men and chest?
And I thought installing my 150 year-old tracker organ was a challenge!