Probably unsurprisingly, our church is short of funds so when mechanical organ problems present,
I have volunteered to take a look at them.
The current issue is cyphering when coupling to the swell/great etc. I have discovered that the problem lies in the
threaded wooden coupling washers (locators?) on the coupling rod that comes directly up from the pedal action.
So it is aligned with its correct key, the rod (actually it's more of a stiff, threaded wire) transfers it's vertical motion sideways
via a horizontal bar which has a eye at each end.
The rod/wire travels through the eye and its up/down motion is captured because to the top and bottom of the eye are located
on the wire, two wooden (threaded?) locking washers.
The washers need to be almost touching each side of the eye - that allows a little flexing for expansion/torsional stress
but immediately transmits the motion when the pedal is depressed.
Unfortunately the threading of these washers is worn such that after an hour or two of playing they slip too high above the eye and
correspondingly too low below the eye. This prevents full pedal motion being transmitted and eventually leads to the swell cypthering.
I really do not wish to attempt to remove this wire - it's very cramped under the pedal-board and for just a single note it seems
a little excessive!
However, I realise that if I could obtain a small split collets with a compression screws I could fit them to the wire - one above and one below
and then tightening the screw would ensure no further slippage - and no more cypher.
After that long explanation my question is relatively simple..are such split collets available and if so, from where?
I am a newbie to this forum and would be so grateful for any assistance.
The organ is around 90 years old and is pure tracker - no electrics!!
Many thanks,