Yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit Hampstead Congregational Church in Hampstead, NH which is home to Hook & Hastings Opus 1901. Built in 1901, this 7 rank all mechanical action organ is mostly original except a few ranks:
GREAT (enclosed w/Swell)
Open Diapason 8' (basses en facade)
Octave 4'
Oboe 8' (addition, replaces Dulciana 8')
Swell to Great Unison
Swell to Great at Octaves
SWELL (enclosed)
Stopped Diapason 8' (TC)
Dulciana 8' (TC, replaces Viola)
Flute Harmonique 4'
Tremolo (entire organ)
Subbass 16'
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
GREAT (enclosed w/Swell)
Open Diapason 8' (basses en facade)
Octave 4'
Oboe 8' (addition, replaces Dulciana 8')
Swell to Great Unison
Swell to Great at Octaves
SWELL (enclosed)
Stopped Diapason 8' (TC)
Dulciana 8' (TC, replaces Viola)
Flute Harmonique 4'
Tremolo (entire organ)
Subbass 16'
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal