This is the spec of a 1961 Schantz which I have access to (that doesn't mean I'm overly fond of it).
</u>16 Subbass
16 Violone (ext/SW)
16 Bourdon (ext/SW)
8 Principal (GT?)
8 Bourdon(SW)
8 Viole (SW)
5 1/3 Quint
4 Ch. Bass (ext/GT?)
2 2/3 Quint
2 Octavin
16 Contra fagotto (SW)
16 Contre-Trompette (ext)
8 Trompette (SW)
GT/Ped 8,4
SW/Ped 8,4
POS/Ped 8
16 Bourdon (ext?)
8 Bourdon
8 Viole
8 Viole Celeste
4 Principal
4 Flute Ouverte
2 Flute
Mix IV
16 Contra Fagotto (ext)
8 Fagotto
8 Trompette
4 Clarion (ext)
Sw/Sw 16, 4
Sw Unison Off
8 Principal
8 Rohr Flote
4 Octave (ext?)
2 Wald Flote
Mix IV
Gt/Gt 16, 4, Unison off
Sw/Gt 16, 8, 4
Pos/Gt 16, 8
</u>8 Quintaton
4 Spitzflote
2 2/3 Nasat
2 Prinzipal
1 3/5 Terz
1 1/3 Quinte
1 Octav
Sw/Pos 16, 8, 4
</u>16 Subbass
16 Violone (ext/SW)
16 Bourdon (ext/SW)
8 Principal (GT?)
8 Bourdon(SW)
8 Viole (SW)
5 1/3 Quint
4 Ch. Bass (ext/GT?)
2 2/3 Quint
2 Octavin
16 Contra fagotto (SW)
16 Contre-Trompette (ext)
8 Trompette (SW)
GT/Ped 8,4
SW/Ped 8,4
POS/Ped 8
16 Bourdon (ext?)
8 Bourdon
8 Viole
8 Viole Celeste
4 Principal
4 Flute Ouverte
2 Flute
Mix IV
16 Contra Fagotto (ext)
8 Fagotto
8 Trompette
4 Clarion (ext)
Sw/Sw 16, 4
Sw Unison Off
8 Principal
8 Rohr Flote
4 Octave (ext?)
2 Wald Flote
Mix IV
Gt/Gt 16, 4, Unison off
Sw/Gt 16, 8, 4
Pos/Gt 16, 8
</u>8 Quintaton
4 Spitzflote
2 2/3 Nasat
2 Prinzipal
1 3/5 Terz
1 1/3 Quinte
1 Octav
Sw/Pos 16, 8, 4