Anyone interested in discussion of features andproblems with late model RenaissanceOrgans?</P>
There are some power supply reliability and cyphering issues that might be of interest. Any interest?</P>
Neither the Allen Factory nor the user's group delves into technical issues other than speaker placement, etc so maybe some of you with knowledge can pipe in here!!</P>
I am interested in discussion oftrem design, whichprovides AM and FM, theAllen composite level settable using the CC (Console Controller) or Dove(Dealer's Organ Voicing Editor). It is my understanding that the trem is added digitally to the untremmed samples in the same way as the trem 4 in previous series organs does. A tibia with trem is simply trem added to the audio. It is not, as some have suggested a sample of the pipe with trem on. </P>
Regarding sampled trem, 2 problems result from sampling a pipe with trem on. First of all looping is extremely difficult as both the tone and the trem points have to match exactly at the looping point. Second, in playback, a pipe organ trem runs all the time when it is enabled, whereas a played sample always begins at the same point. Single notes sound great but multiple notes having all different trem phases since they are not played at the exact same time. A third complication is that there must be a sample for each note. If you have a bad sample and want to borrow from a close note and raise or lower it's pitch, the trem rate changes accordingly, ruining the result. I have a tibia with trem sampledand have seen the results.</P>
Another factor is that a pipe with trem on experiences a variation in the harmonics as the trem cycles. Usually this is approximated with a low pass filter whose cutoff is modulated with the trem cycle: As the pressure goes up, the harmonics go up and the low pass filter cutoff goes up, approximating this function. I don't know how Allen does this if they do it at all. How do others do this?</P>
Any experience using DOVE? I won't go into this unless there is interest. I understand some have made changes in the software to enable more advanced functions. Also there are many mysteries in it's use and documentation is practically zero and absolutely no factory support. Help!!!</P>
Unfortunately, Allen wants all support to come from the local dealer. </P>
Any ideas or suggestions? </P>