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Allen ADC-2110T on Florida

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  • Allen ADC-2110T on Florida

    Well, another "flipper" in Florida is in business and has been referenced here before.
    Large Allen Organ Company HC15 Speaker and 10ft speaker cable included.
    Maybe I'm stupid, but did Allen ever make a Digital organ with less than 2 HC-15 speakers? However, this organ confounds me:

    There are toe studs–but they aren't labeled. Other photos have the toe studs labeled. Huh?!!!
    There are pistons on the right-hand side–but I've never seen them on an ADC organ.
    There is split expression–but no Crescendo pedal.
    There is a combination action–but it is DM (old model?).
    There are two drawers, and one is for a card reader–but what is the other one for? Console controller? Allen Expander? MIDI?
    The organ model number says it's in a T-Console–but the console is clearly a D-Console, which is large for a 2-manual tab organ.
    IIRC, ALL ADC organs of that size had Tutti-I and Tutti-II pistons (at the very least) and sometimes toe studs, but this one doesn't!

    Is there something in the Florida water affecting people selling organs up there? I'd run from this one. How about you?

    Way too many organs to list, but I do have 5 Allens:
    • MOS-2 Model 505-B / ADC-4300-DK / ADC-5400 / ADC-6000 (Symphony) / ADC-8000DKC
    • Lowrey Heritage (DSO-1)
    • 11 Pump Organs, 1 Pipe Organ & 7 Pianos

  • #2
    Inconsistency among the photos, too. A couple of photos show labels for the toe studs, while several show no labels. It makes me think we're seeing two different organs.

    That seller has shown up here before with overpriced instruments.


    • #3
      Free shipping! Hard to understand how some people can place an ad for a piece of equipment and pay no attention to details.

      6 pistons under the treble end of the Swell manual of an Allen are normally Pedal divisional pistons - usually when there are no Pedal toe studs. This matches the ADC-2110 owner's manual description. I have an MDS organ with no toe studs at all and it has the Pedal divisional pistons are in that position. (I think I have reprogrammed them to generals.)

      Perhaps the ten unlabeled are for ten generals. But why they have no label is a mystery. The stock drawing in the owner's manual has 12 toe studs.

      The "D" console photos may be a MOS-1 or -2 model that had one expression pedal and a crescendo pedal. I can't read the pedal labels on the "D" photo.

      The stoprail does match an ADC-2110 model.
      Last edited by Organkeys Jones; 09-04-2024, 05:26 PM.


      • Organkeys Jones
        Organkeys Jones commented
        Editing a comment
        Michael - The two pedals I'm talking about are on console picture with labeled toe studs. Can you really read those labels? I can see how long the words are. There's a short word on the left and longer word (or words!) on the right.

        But on the T console pics with no labels on the toe studs, the longer words (Great-Pedal) are on the left and the shorter (Swell) is on the right.

        I think the D console with labeled studs has a Swell expression (really for the whole organ) and a Crescendo pedal. A clear photo could prove me wrong, though.

        I also think that's why the seller posted a D console when he is selling a T console. The seller just chose a photo that had two expression pedals.

      • myorgan
        myorgan commented
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        You are correct. I cannot read those either.


      • Organkeys Jones
        Organkeys Jones commented
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        Michael - it just shows how confusing the ad is if it can confuse smart guys like us!

    • #4
      I'm really confused. We've seen this organ and commented on it in a previous thread. The giveaway for me was the bundle of splices with yellow wire nuts on the brown Allen speaker wires behind the console. I thought someone on here bought the organ but I'm too lazy to search the Forum to find the original thread.
      Larry is my name; Allen is an organ brand. Allen RMWTHEA.3 with RMI Electra-Piano; Allen 423-C+Gyro; Britson Opus OEM38; Steinway AR Duo-Art 7' grand piano, Mills Violano Virtuoso with MIDI; Hammond 9812H with roll player; Roland E-200; Mason&Hamlin AR Ampico grand piano, Allen ADC-5300-D with MIDI, Allen MADC-2110.


      • myorgan
        myorgan commented
        Editing a comment

        I must've missed that. Now you have me curious! Was it in "On the Internet"?


    • #5
      I agree both that this is strange, and that I seem to recall seeing this organ before! At least the first picture. I'm trying to figure out how this organ could be connected to one HC15 speaker, but I can't think of any way! Did Allen ever accommodate odd piston location requests? Clearly photos of more than one organ, which I consider a bit deceitful. In any case again, run far away!

      Current: Allen 225 RTC, W. Bell reed organ, Lowrey TGS, Singer upright grand
      Former: Yamaha E3R


      • #6
        The organ was discussed on page 3 of this thread from July and it referenced a listing of the organ on

        If you look at the engraving on the general tabs and the number of brown wires coming out of the back of the organ, there obviously were UNIVREL relays and four speaker locations in the original church installation. So that would have been eight speakers if it was a 2-channel organ.
        Larry is my name; Allen is an organ brand. Allen RMWTHEA.3 with RMI Electra-Piano; Allen 423-C+Gyro; Britson Opus OEM38; Steinway AR Duo-Art 7' grand piano, Mills Violano Virtuoso with MIDI; Hammond 9812H with roll player; Roland E-200; Mason&Hamlin AR Ampico grand piano, Allen ADC-5300-D with MIDI, Allen MADC-2110.


        • #7
          Larry- I don't think the console with the cables coming out of it is the same organ whose stop tabs are pictured. The speaker cables are coming out of a D console, the stop rail is the 2110 which is in the T console. The extra custom speaker tabs seem to account for the extra speaker cables from a 2-channel ADC-2000 series, but nothing else matches.

          As you pointed out in July, the 2110 did not have toe studs so those unlabeled studs must be an add-on. Perhaps they duplicate the 10 generals.

          Mixing up photos in an organ ad isn't the only place this happens. I have seen several online car ads where the car in the photo is a completely different color from the printed description. And sometimes it's a different model. Hard to tell if it's deception or carelessness.​


          • myorgan
            myorgan commented
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            All I can say is to check the feedback profile. I believe it was left by one of our members.


          • AllenAnalog
            AllenAnalog commented
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            Look closely at the flooring, the wall color, the steps leading up to the console platform and the gray molding on the wall behind the console. To me it appears to be the same in both photo 1 (console front) and photo 11 (console rear) on the Reverb listing.

          • Organkeys Jones
            Organkeys Jones commented
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            I agree with you, Larry, photos 1 & 11 (also 2) on the Reverb ad are the same D console. But there are toe stud photos from two different consoles, and the stop rail tabs match the 2110-T (T console). I think I will message the seller to ask why he used photos of two different consoles in his ad & auction.

        • #8
          Also note that the seller never showed a picture of the model # label. So I asked him. We'll see.
          Can't play an note but love all things "organ" Responsible for 2/10 Wurli pipe organ, Allen 3160(wife's), Allen LL324, Allen GW319EX, ADC4600, many others. E-organ shop to fund free organ lessons for kids.


          • Organkeys Jones
            Organkeys Jones commented
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            The Reverb ad has the model label, ADC-2110-T. But that photo isn't on the eBay listing.

          • Organkeys Jones
            Organkeys Jones commented
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            He has now added the model label photo to the eBay listing.

            I asked him about the two different consoles, no response to that. I asked about the single speaker and he said it works with just one speaker. He does have 4 speakers available. And he sent a separate message: "Serious inquiries only." How did he know I wasn't serious??
            Last edited by Organkeys Jones; 09-07-2024, 02:18 PM.

        • #9
          I think I saw this organ sitting in a church a few months ago. That would have been on Atlanta CL "outside listing." I think it was in SC or NC.
          -- I'm Lamar -- Allen TC-4 Classic -- 1899 Kimball, Rodgers W5000C, Conn 643, Hammond M3, L-102 - "Let no man belong to another who can belong to himself." (Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest​ -) ​Paracelsus


          • #10
            Check the listing now. I pointed out the discrepancies, and new/accurate photos were posted.

            Way too many organs to list, but I do have 5 Allens:
            • MOS-2 Model 505-B / ADC-4300-DK / ADC-5400 / ADC-6000 (Symphony) / ADC-8000DKC
            • Lowrey Heritage (DSO-1)
            • 11 Pump Organs, 1 Pipe Organ & 7 Pianos


            • #11
              How many of us did it take to get him to make correction? 😀 He even double the speaker! Was one, now two HC-15s. I told him it was a two channel organ.

              Now about that price ...

