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Going to see Carlo Curley at Fairfield Halls, Croydon

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  • Going to see Carlo Curley at Fairfield Halls, Croydon

    Carlo Curley is playing the Harrison &amp; Harrison organ at Fairfiled Concert Hall, Croydon later on today at 1pm. The tickets are only £5. I am quite excited because it a while since I have seen him play and for only £5 that is a real bargain! Then heading into central London for an evening of debauchery.</p>

    Will let you know what the programme is and how good Carlo is

  • #2
    Re: Going to see Carlo Curley at Fairfield Halls, Croydon

    Let us know. Had it been on another day and I wasn't working I would have gone as its not too far for me to travel to (and its a bit of a bargain as well).
    1971 Allen Organ TC-3S (#42904) w/sequential capture system.
    Speakers: x1 Model 100 Gyro, x1 Model 105 & x3 Model 108.


    • #3
      Re: Going to see Carlo Curley at Fairfield Halls, Croydon

      Wow, something on this forum close to home! I only live about 20 miles away from Croydon, and I've been to the Fairfield Halls a few times, notably to hear Colin Walsh do a recital about 2 years ago.</P>

      I have to say how wierd that organ is - the facade looks so random, with odd pipes stuck all over the place. I've also looked at the spec online - no 32's, no swell trumpet, no Great fifteenth, and there is an 8' trombone on the Great instead of a proper Tromba. And the whole organ isn't very loud either...... A really old guy I know told me that when the halls were built back in the 60s, they had to cut some ranks off the organ in order to keep the whole project within the budget. Typical British organ construction.......</P>



      • #4
        Re: Going to see Carlo Curley at Fairfield Halls, Croydon

        I used to live in Croydon before my traverse to Malta but strangely have never heard this organ at all. Sounds like an unorthodox instrument though.


        • #5
          Re: Going to see Carlo Curley at Fairfield Halls, Croydon

          Are any of you familiar with the organ atSt. Michael and All Angelsor St. John the Baptist? Both of these organs seem like they would be much more interesting for a recital! Fairfield Halls is of course a concert hall, but I'm not sure about that organ... unless Carlo is bringing his own? [:|]


          • #6
            Re: Going to see Carlo Curley at Fairfield Halls, Croydon

            I've played at St. Michael and All Angels a few times (I'm actually doing a recital there next month), and I got to know the previous organist very well.</P>

            Of course the other major church in Croydon is Croydon Parish Church - I know the organ scholar there.</P>


            • #7
              Re: Going to see Carlo Curley at Fairfield Halls, Croydon

              Hi there, I would love to hear how Carlo's recital went in Croydon. </P>

              Until 2006 I was for 18 years the manager at Fairfield. Part of my remit was to programme the lunchtime concerts and the orcherstral series. Carlo was a great ambasador for Fairfield, the organ and also my talents (such as they were) to try and keep classical music live at Faifield in the face of firstly reduced financial support from the local authority and eventually no financial support at all</P>

              The organ, Harrison &amp; Harrison as you say was designed by Ralph Downes (you probably know this) who was also responsible for the Royal Festival Hall's organ and St. David's Hall in Cardiff. Make of those 3 instruments what you will!</P>

              Ive moved to Wales 2 years ago and am currently looking to get on the Hauptwerk virtual organ bandwagen and get a set up for my home. So if anyone knows of a 3 manual console and pedal for sale that is or can be 'midified', please let me know!</P>

              Glad to hear they are still managing to keep the tickets prices down at Fairfield and hope the organ and Carlo were both in fine fettle.</P>





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