I still say that a very nice reed organ could be made in lieu of some expensive pipe organs. Many of the analog organ are very expensive, and the digital organs, keyboards, etc. just lack a warmth that goes along with the older electronic organs which we call analog these days. Some of those had some great ideas, but I still say the old Wurlitzer electrostatic reed models had a great sound without any spinning Leslies, Spectr tone, etc.
I think they had a realistic pipe organ sound when no vibrato was used that the digital organs just can't do in my honest opinion. If some company would begin production of these old line Wurlitzer organs such as Suzuki has done with Hammond, I do think many churches, instuitions, maybe even homes would once again be interested in realistic sounding organs that are just a "pipe dream" for many due to such expense. Some digital organs cost far more than a decent pipe organ with a few ranks.
Many reed organs that were made before electronics could do quite well, and the discussion in another thread on the OF does give some nice explanations of what a reed organ can be capable of doing.
It seems in my area of the US the Wurlitzer reed organs had problems due to humidity, but it was recently pointed out to me that their later tube models had damper chasers used to help with that matter.
I must comment that the first Wurlitzer spinet type organ on the market had a sound that is just awe inspiring for serious music, and even I was amazed at the smooth touch, the richness of tone, and the easy rocker type stops to use that it seems more practical than the touch stops where lights come on etc.
Many reed organs could get away from the accordian sound, and I agree here my reed organ which is an old pump organ does remind me of an accordian. Yet, when I played on a Wurlitzer electrostatic organ the sound is very realistic from the smallest model on up. I think it would be a simple approach as well as bring quality organ sound back to the masses.
Yes, people will have opinions such as I do, but it is the expense I am thinking about. I had rather have a small pipe organ with few ranks or one that is unified than many of the digitals I have played on. Some of the very large digital organs are very impressive, but the price was as much or more than a small pipe organ.
I still think the reeds have much to offer once again. So, here is my two cents worth and more.