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Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing

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  • Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing

    Has anyone else noticed that most of thethreads posted on this Forum lately are of Hammonds or other Electronic instruments, rather than pipe organs or classical electronics?

    Before I log on, I check the most recent 10 posts in theActive section, and recently, they are all about topics I mentioned above. Are the pipe people disappearing?


    Way too many organs to list, but I do have 5 Allens:
    • MOS-2 Model 505-B / ADC-4300-DK / ADC-5400 / ADC-6000 (Symphony) / ADC-8000DKC
    • Lowrey Heritage (DSO-1)
    • 11 Pump Organs, 1 Pipe Organ & 7 Pianos

  • #2
    Re: Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing

    Well . . .

    We have not heard from Edward Odell or SB32 for a while.


    • #3
      Re: Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing

      organforum has for a long time become hammond forum thomas forum and pipe organs are of minimal interest

      maybe I chased these others away by my gruff condescending manner but I didnt do it on purpose

      thats unfortunately my persona

      odells website hadnt been jpdated since 2009 last I looked

      so where oh where is odell prey tell

      he was doing some restorative work at west point a 4/390 all pipe organ

      maybe sb32 took a sabbatical to France where he enjoys playing the cavaille-colls of this world


      • #4
        Re: Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing

        I'm still here just about every day.


        • #5
          Re: Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing

          I still like pipe organs, but most of what the instruments that I play are electronic.

          Philip is also online less than he used to be.


          • #6
            Re: Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing

            I've notice it too, Michael. Some of our most prolific posters have dropped out of sight. Perhaps this is temporary due to work or other matters. I know I've been working like crazy the past few weeks and haven't visited the forum regularly.

            OK, another confession.... Facebook is killing me! I got on a couple of years ago, but lately it seems that almost everyone I know is on it, and I just HAVE to check the news feed a couple of times a day. No telling who is having a headache or a bad day or taking random photos that are just too cute to miss!

            So, I need to discipline myself a bit and quit wasting so much time over there. Maybe I'll come up with some topic to throw out to the forum.

            BTW, Johan64, most of us "pipe" organ folks actually play digitals, even if we dream of playing real pipes!


            *** Please post your questions about technical service or repair matters ON THE FORUM. Do not send your questions to me or another member by private message. Information shared is for the benefit of the entire organ community, but other folks will not be helped by information we exchange in private messages!



            • #7
              Re: Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing


              Good to hear that you are keeping busy.

              I myself have more work to do, than I can handle right now. I don't know why, because I don't advertise, do not have a web-site, but I get calls, including work on pipe organs.

              I just came back from 4 days in Saskatchewan and Alberta. And I could have been there longer if I lined up the work.

              I also still am part time at a big store selling pianos, digital pianos etc.

              Two years ago, I did not have near enough work. Now I got too much.

              Thankfully, I never got started on Facebook. Just another distraction I don't need.



              • #8
                Re: Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing

                I'm still here. I check twice a day for interesting postings, but I don't often reply because my knowledge is very limited. [:P] Facebook is killing me too...the people I used to communicate with most on the OF now talk to me regularly on FB....


                • #9
                  Re: Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing

                  Well, I'm here every day (which is probably obvious) but I don't count, because I'm not "really" an organist. My only contributions are a mild ability to look at things from an unconventional viewpoint, I guess.



                  • #10
                    Re: Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing

                    I'm not a pipe organ expert by any stretch of imagination, nor do I have or play one, but I still like them and continue to read books about them (is that strange?)*. Currently "The Modern British Organ" or something like that by Noel whats-his-name (from first half of last century). I suppose some pipe organ aficionados are members of pipe organ lists etc as well.

                    I've been too busy trying to learn "In Dir Est Freud" on my home electronic organ to spend time repairing it now that it works 'sort of'. And going to pipe organ concerts when possible (last was from The Heathen that few dare name publicly or admit to being a fan, but whom I consider a genius savant (initials CC, see my post from Sunday night). But even he is planning to move towards a more portable electronic organ. What is the world coming to! ;-)

                    For the record (and apologies to all my FB friends) I just completely and permanently deleted (not just deactivated) my Facebook account
                    (is that strange?)* Too many posts about too many people and I
                    decided to live a more personal life for a while. Feel free to email me, but I just can't keep up with FB. The last straw were the stories about a
                    hacker that compromised 1million FB accounts and possible upcoming plans to
                    charge for FB and not being sure what FB does with user generated content
                    (stores it forever I'm so I'm told).

                    *Not strange for me, fairly normal for me to be out of the mainstream, but unfathomable by many otherwise sane people.


                    • #11
                      Re: Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing

                      Face-what? I never had an account and rarely look at others'. I have enough ways to while away the hours at the computer without Facebook, etc.

                      I probably do not qualify as a "prolific" poster, but I do try to participate in the Forum. For my part, work has been so demanding in time and effort lately that I have just not had a chance to write anything. Too, the dearth of other postings left me little to comment about.

                      My ADC 7000 is still disassembled, waiting patiently for the keyboard refelting project to commence. (I was sidetracked a few months ago when I discovered the dreaded NiCad battery corrosion on the AV-1 board.) Speaking of felt, I would be interested to hear whether any other owners of older Allens have noticed excessivewear in their manuals. I cannot recall ever seeing a comment about this problem, even for instruments going back into the 1960s. My organis considerably newer (1983) and seems not to have been abused, yet I would judge the center two or three octaves of each manual to be essentially worn out. The keys have too much sideplay, the keys caps are not visually aligned when they are at rest, and the stop nuts make a rather prominent thud when they hit the front rail on the upstroke. Obviously, a complete replacement of the various felts is in order, and I have ordered suitable materials from OSI. I am just surprised and a bit disappointed that Allen's famous manuals did not hold up better.Allen seems to be using essentially the same design in their current models, so I wonder what the long-term outlook is for them.



                      • #12
                        Re: Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing

                        I'lll be having LOTS of postings/questions/musings over the summer...doing lots of additions to the Reuter 822 so stay tuned for that ;)

                        regards facebook...its a is addictive and about to take over the world..I too have came whisker close to deleting my account there. I did delete all of my previous photographs I had posted there as they were using them to sell ads (something they automatically do with all your content you post unless you double check your privacy settings every 3 hours).


                        • #13
                          Re: Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing

                          [quote user="NYCFarmboy"]I too have came whisker close to deleting my account there. I did delete all of my previous photographs I had posted there as they were using them to sell ads (something they automatically do with all your content you post unless you double check your privacy settings every 3 hours).[/quote]

                          I'm not campaigning against Facebook, and I do kinda miss seeing what everyone was up to, but I can live without knowing everything there is to know about people before they tell me, and given that the inventor of the internet (Tim Berners-Lee - not Al Gore!) refuses to join, this article explains many reasons:

                          and that article links to "10 reasons to delete your FB account" and links to how to do it:


                          • #14
                            Re: Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing

                            I still check in to the "Organ Forum" about 2 or 3 times a week. My primary interest is in pipe organs so the lack of pipe organ types on the forum makes it not as interesting for me.

                            Theatre organ fans don't seem common on the forum so there isn't much in that section either. I have subscribed to pipeorgan-l, theatreorgan-l, and some others, there seems to be a lot more action there.

                            Facebook is a very neat idea in that pictures can be posted as well as text. Some of the posters have a lot of interesting pictures. Most do not write much in the text line.


                            Pipe Organs

                            Theatre Organs


                            • #15
                              Re: Pipe Organ Postings--Are They Disappearing

                              Howdy Allan,

                              Not to break topic...but I'm very heavy into theatre organ. So you've got at least one mutual friend here.

                              Also, I know who Donna Parker is. She knows me as being the old "House organist" at the Marietta, Ga. Music Grinder Pizza Emporium, ca. 1970s. Does she still like to suck on lemons?


