What can possibly be the use of such puny little division on such grand organs. For those who dont know what Im talking about, look at some of the old Aeolian Skinner stop lists and you will see. Here you will find a huge great division complete with an open 16, 16-4 reeds, and ten ranks of mixtures. Then theres this little Positv with a spec of something like:
8 Bourdon
4 Principal
4 Koppleflote
2 Gemshorn
1 1/3 Quinte
III Zimbel
8 Regal
How could this form a foil to the great? Looks to me like an attempt to add a few extra ranks to the organ. Could anybody enlighten me on its use?
8 Bourdon
4 Principal
4 Koppleflote
2 Gemshorn
1 1/3 Quinte
III Zimbel
8 Regal
How could this form a foil to the great? Looks to me like an attempt to add a few extra ranks to the organ. Could anybody enlighten me on its use?