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More than 920 pipe-organs on website

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  • More than 920 pipe-organs on website

    Hello members,

    Maybe you know my website of more than 920 pipe-organs
    in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.

    You can see the composition and photos of the organs
    by clicking on the miniatures. So I wish you a good time
    when visiting the website! Also the famous organ in the
    Bavokerk in Haarlem you can see, and many more
    (more or less!) famous organs.

    Wim Verburg (The Netherlands)

  • #2
    Re: More than 920 pipe-organs on website

    Yet another organ group - and a highly professional looking one at that. The specifications of many British Organs can be found on the National Pipe Organ Register. (NPOR) This is maintained by the British Institute of Organ Studies (BIOS) at
    Incidentally, I started a new organ related group - Organists Off Topic - three weeks ago, predating the Organ Forum, I think. Our purpose is to discuss topics totally unrelated to organs. It has produced some thought provoking and well thought out discussions on topics such as homosexuality, priests and teachers, Motor Racing, infringement of individual freedom, why Blair should go, piano teaching and so on. It includes a photo section and files. It is a free Yahoo group, so basically simple. The present topic is globalisation. I wonder if we need or have time for so many groups. I started orgofftop because there seemed to be a lack of this particular forum. Are we planning on taking over the world?
    John Foss


    • #3
      Re: More than 920 pipe-organs on website

      Many thanks, Wim, for sharing this rich lode of organ data with us. It's a lot of work to accumulate something like that! I sure could have used this treasure-trove a couple of months ago, when I was looking for pictures to illustrate a lecture I was giving. This one gets a bookmark, for the next time!

      All best wishes,


      • #4
        Re: More than 920 pipe-organs on website

        Posted By: harfo32 on 07-26-2003 01:45 AM

        Our purpose is to discuss topics totally unrelated to organs on topics such as homosexuality, priests and teachers, Motor Racing, infringement of individual freedom

        hmmmm, I guess it depends on the definition of the word "organ"!


        • #5
          Re: More than 920 pipe-organs on website

          Very, very nice. I noticed that a lot or most (if not all) the organs have flat pedal boards. Is that like "the thing" over there? I personally prefer the concave...


          • #6
            Re: More than 920 pipe-organs on website

            concave (AGO) pedal boards seem to be an American professional standard.

            The A in AGO stands for American after all ;)

            I personally prefer the AGO/concave as well.

            I read that E. Power Bigg's Flentrop organ in Boston orginally was installed with a flat euro-standard pedal board, but Biggsie had it changed over to a AGO/concave pedals in short order.


            • #7
              Re: More than 920 pipe-organs on website

              concave pedal boards are not easily engineered for a tracker instrument. A flat bboard is pretty easy to get used to, just takes some practice. It is not a "fad" but a necessity.


              • #8
                Re: More than 920 pipe-organs on website

                I am surprised that you refer to the Flentrop at ST. Mark's Cathedral in Seattle a "thing". It is playing very well, thank you, it is the largest instrument Dick Flentrop ever built (yep, larger than the Duke Chapel instrument) and has a flat pedal board. It is his only 4 manual instrument.

                It truly is a great instrument in a great building - the tower having been donated bya a Cathedral member so there would be a home for this instriument in the West end of the cathedral.

                If you are ever in Seatlle, go hear it. If you ask you may even b e able to play it.


                • #9
                  Re: More than 920 pipe-organs on website

                  speaking of Flentrop, any word on whats going on with the Flentrop at the Germanic museum at Harvard (E. Power Biggs instrument)?

                  About a year or so ago I read that Yamaha was going to be moved to a stadium where the organ would be heavily amplified. (shudder yes I know that sounds crazy but I did read that).

                  any news on that situation?


                  • #10
                    Re: More than 920 pipe-organs on website

                    I Googled a bit and found this

                    The E. Power Biggs memorial series
                    The E. Power Biggs memorial series, sponsored in conjunction with Harvard University Art Museums and the Memorial Church, features world-famous concert organists from around the world. There will be two concerts in the 2005-2006 school year, one in the fall and one in the spring.

                    The E. Power Biggs Memorial Organ Recital Series
                    Tuesday, February 21, 2006, 8 P.M. in Busch Hall
                    John Scott
                    Director of Music and Organist, St. Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue, New York
                    Former Director of Music and Organist, St. Paul's Cathedral, London
                    "The premier English organist of his a class of his own." (Manchester Evening News, England)

                    Music will be played on the 1958 D. A. Flentrop Organ in Adolphus Busch Hall, located on the campus of Harvard University, 27 Kirkland Street.

