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Please help me identify this stop

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  • Please help me identify this stop

    Hello, I'm wondering if you can help me identify the accompaniment stop(s?) in this Reger recording. Here's a link to an Amazon sample (quality is pretty good, it's track 5):

    It's played on the Klais organ in Trier Cathedral; here's a link to the specifications:

    Does it sound like a kind of celeste? I'm teaching myself organ (got a decent 70s Rodgers for free), and I've never had formal organ training. I do play many other instruments and have a strong grounding in theory, so I feel confident teaching myself, although at some point I'd like some lessons to make sure my technique (especially pedals) is on the right track. I'm just beginning to be able to recognize stops from their sound, and I'm reading up on the traditional arrangements.

    I love the sound of this stop, possibly my favorite. Thanks for any help!

    Home: 1935 Hammond Model A w/2 A-20 tone cabinets & Leslie 147, Rodgers Jamestown 100
    Church: Hammond CV, 2-speed Leslie 21H

  • #2
    I have been fortunate enough to play the pipe organs in several of our church buildings in my area here in Central Utah and my best guess is the salicional and a flute or a very soft principal like a stopped diapason. It's nice whatever it is. Your guess of a Celeste is also very possible but again depending on the Celeste voice it is probably paired with the Salicional. DW


    • #3
      Perhaps a Dulciana? There could be a soft celeste with that, too.

      I've actually seen and heard that instrument in person. We had Klais build the organ in our new church and the Organ Selection Committee went to Bonn to see their factory; they drove us all around that part of Germany to see and hear their work and let our Organist try them out. Super trip! (And a wonderful firm to work with.)



      • #4
        Here's the specification for that organ:

        Based on the spec, that's almost certainly got to be the Schwellwerk Gamba and Unda Maris, perhaps with or without the Hauptwerk Gemshorn coupled. There's definitely a celeste in there. The solo reed is likely the Ruckpositiv Cromorne.

        Those strings are interesting- almost like an American classic Viola Pomposa. Not what one would expect.

