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Maintenance/silincing a Meidinger blower?

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  • Maintenance/silincing a Meidinger blower?

    I have a home organ, with a Meidinger blower. This blower gets noisier all the time, and it takes longer and longer for it to get "at the right speed", so I'm wondering what I should do:
    *should it be oiled? I seem to find a small opening (with a very small "lid" on top of it) on the front side (not the side where the fan is), I suppose I should fill this with oil?

    *Are there other places to be oiled (on the fan side, perhaps?)

    It seems strange to me that there is nothing that looks like an air filter on the "intake" side, so maybe the part with the fan could be full of dust?

    *I managed to take of a circular plate on back side (= fan side), and I was able to remove some dust there.
    Should I go further to open the inside? With just the back plate removed, I can not clearly see the actual rotating fan part, to check if there is dirt/dust overthere...
    *Other suggestions that I can try to "cure" my blower?
    *Are there ways to make it less noisy, even if the blower functions correctly? Or should it be rather silent on its own, if well-functioning?
    P.S. I can post pictures if needed.
    P.P.S. Oops, probably posted this in the wrong subforum, sorry about that. I'll put a copy in a more appropriate subforum....
    Last edited by Stef Pillaert; 08-03-2012, 08:42 AM.

  • #2
    Yes, oil the motor through the little opening you see. There is also another one of these openings at the opposite end of the motor. It sounds as though it is imperative that you do this immediately, so use whatever oil you have handy and do not be afraid to use too much. Any excess will drain out from below and make a mess - but you can always wipe that up. I hope that your motor is still okay because it appears that it has needed oil for a while now. Good luck!


    • #3
      Use only 20 weight electric motor oil. Do not use motor oil designed for cars. That has detergents that will do harm. There are two oil cups. One on the front and one on the rear of the motor. As for quieting it down; Meidingers tend to be noisy. The only solutions are a blower box or moving the blower to a remote location with a long wind line.


      • #4
        Hi there,

        While what I am going to say here is not specific Meidinger information, it may be of some help, because most rotating things supported on bearings work ( and fail ) on the same general principles.

        You wrote : >> This blower gets noisier all the time, and it takes longer and longer for it to get "at the right speed", so I'm wondering what I should do:
        *should it be oiled? I seem to find a small opening (with a very small "lid" on top of it) on the front side (not the side where the fan is), I suppose I should fill this with oil? <<\

        "gets noisier all the time" means exactly what ? Every time you turn it on, it is noisier than the last time ? Or, after you turn it on, it gets noisier the longer it is running ?

        What type of noise is it ? Do you hear a squeal, a howl, a roar, or what ?

        "it takes longer and longer for it to get "at the right speed" This is not good at all. You either have bearings that are dry of lube ( and quite likely wrecked at this point ) , or you have a motor with issues. Or both ?

        Yes, oiling the bearings is a good idea. If that changes the noise, then you know where a problem is. But, from your description of the issue, I would not consider that he Cure. More than likely it has been run too long without lube, so one or more of the bearings is too far gone to be fixed by oiling them now.

        When bearings get to the point of slowing things down, and making noises because of lack of lubrication, replacing the busticated parts is the only viable option for repair.
        Regards, Larry

        At Home : Yamaha Electones : EX-42 ( X 3 !!! ), E-5AR, FX-1 ( X 2 !! ), US-1, EL-25 ( Chopped ). Allen 601D, ADC 6000D. Lowrey CH32-1. At Churches I play for : Allen Q325 ( with Vista ), Allen L123 ( with Navigator ). Rodgers 755. 1919 Wangerin 2/7 pipe organ.




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