I bought this set of chimes at an auction, and am trying to find some details on it. I am guessing it used to be in a church based on the setup. I have all 25 chimes, which are solid, the resonator board, keyboard, transformer, and cable. The cable is about 30 feet long, so am guessing the chimes hung on a wall and maybe the keyboard was attached to an organ or something. Unfortunately they cut all the wires when they took it down, so guess I have some work to do. I have googled it and can't find anything on it, but would guess it will sound good when working again, hopefully. The only thing I could find is a tag on the keyboard that says "Chimes by Baldwin", but nothing else. Any insight would be most appreciated.
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Can anyone help identify info on these Chimes
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As far as I know, only Mayland and Peterson made solid tube chimes. Mayland is now owned by Organ Supply Industries http://www.organsupply.com/, and Peterson is Peterson Electro-Musical Products http://www.petersonemp.com/
Typically, the keyboard was attached to the organ console. It should not be hard to figure out the wiring.
A photo of the action itself would be a better indication of who built these. If you call Peterson, I'm sure they would talk to you and help you out if it is a Peterson unit. I doubt you'd get very far with Organ Supply, but you can always try.
That looks just like the one I have. The best news is we got the wiring figured out today and got it working. For some reason they cut all the wires so I have some work ahead of me but my wife is very excited and anxious to play it. Of course, need to build a frame to support it first. Thanks everyone for the input, it has been most appreciated.